Living life on your own terms is something everyone aspires to, but few achieve. I’m living proof that it’s possible, and I wish I had known these life lessons 25 …
Category: Wisdom
We must make sacrifices to achieve our goals, there is no way around that. Some goals require more than sacrifices than others though, I know that from experience. How do …
Breaking the Cycle of Repeating Mistakes: Awareness and Growth I didn’t write this to judge anyone, but rather to raise awareness. Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over …
We are human beings and is natural to feel bad sometimes. What is not natural or good is to have these feelings every day. If you let your days go …
The Right Mindset When it comes to achieving success, the right mindset and actions are crucial. Edwin Diaz, a renowned entrepreneur and educator, has dedicated his life to helping others …
Am I too conservative or just behind on how the world is moving? Women bathing suits are getting smaller by the minute and as a man, I should like this, …
Hi, it’s been a long time since I sent one of these announcements; I have been busy with personal stuff that has taken me out for a little, and when I thought …
I have many habits, but this habit that I talk about in this video has changed my life, and it was the beginning of everything good I have built for my life. Our lives are full of routines and some of these turns to be good or bad habits, the trick is to form more good than bad habits in our lives. …
What an interesting year this has been, right guys? For some…. it has been horrible For some …. the best year For some …. the same What about you? Are …
Lets me start by saying that at the beginning of 2019 I was really excited (Like most people) to start the New Year, and even sent a mass email to …
This article is for people that want success! I’m not really referring to you personally but there are people that have become lazy and complainers over time without even knowing it …
Yeah, you read that title right. Too much thinking is bad for you, even if it is good thinking. Have you noticed that when you have a lot of things …
Have you noticed that when we rush through things, they come all messed up? I learned in life that we need to take things, little by little and step by …
Gosh, why do we always think about ourselves so much? If I could do that Why didn’t I do that I look so good I look so bad I work so …
We spend our lives studying and learning specialize knowledge so that we could work and be productive citizens. 1. Some of us study way over our 30’s and spend countless hours …
Everyday I encounter people who tell me they really want to become great programmers; that they will work hard at it as long as it takes to accomplish their goals. …
Today I woke up with this thought! Why in the world we decide to live a life with such low standards? I mean know we can do so much better …
Have you ever woken up in a cold sweat, or with a feeling of hopelessness and dread, with no idea why? Have you ever felt depressed even though you couldn’t …
It is what it is, my father used to say all the time when he could not find an explanation to my questions. You see, I was a kid with …
Yeah, I know that title sounds weird, but if you think about it, it makes sense. How many times do you make the same mistakes? Exactly, have you ever wondered …
Have you asked yourself, what the heck happened to my life? ?Between work, friends, love, study, hobbies, health issues, kids, problems, jobs, money, our schedule is crazy busy. Life was …
The Mind Let’s start with the most important (YOUR MIND). You heard me correctly! The most important part of you is your mind. When I changed the way I thought …
I hope you are having a great day with family and friends, and if you are not, that is ok as long as you are happy. My Advice to you …
Hi my?friend I hope you will enjoy today and do something productive with your time. Some advices Have discipline in order to finish your?task?today. Write down your goals for the …
I often people ask me, how can they get out of a certain situation. Simple….. Change what you focus on, each moment that you are alive. Every minute you are?choosing?what …
Another day went by, and we are getting older by the minute, right? Did you planned your weekend? I know I did. I remember when I used to sit around …
Success isn’t something that comes easily. It’s not something that just falls into your lap without effort. It demands relentless hard work, unwavering dedication, and, most importantly, an insatiable hunger …