I’m going to give you a roadmap on careers with PHP based on my experience. I will give a shortcut into this lucrative career choice. A lot of people are jumping into every technology they get their hands on and neglect getting good at one. Outcome? They end-up learning a little bit of everything and never become a master, where the money and freedom are.
In programming, we start with Procedural code, and I have some great courses I created, that I wish were available when I first started because things would have been so much easier.
These courses will give you the knowledge and experience you need to master procedural and Object-Oriented PHP. I will also include a discount link in each of these posts so that it is easier for you to get them.
Make sure you click on the image or title to visit these posts where the discount link/codes are.
1. PHP for beginners – Become a Master will help you become a PHP developer and give your LOTS of knowledge and experience.
2. After the main course above you should practice creating projects so that your procedural knowledge grows more and I have the perfect course for that below. PHP for Beginners: How to Build an Ecommerce Store
I believe in mastery, it has allowed me to become successful in many areas of my personal and professional life.
3. The next course (PHP Login and Registration System) is optional but I recommend it because we build a very solid login system with PHP that will you an edge when developing apps and at the same time it will help you master PHP.
4. Alright so after you are done with Procedural you need to jump into OOP (Object Oriented Programming). You will only get here if you learn procedural well enough because its harder to understand but once you get it, the sky is the limit. Ohh and this is not an optional course, you need it. The great thing about the course below is that it is project-based and I will be there supporting you all the way until you are done.
5. Lastly, these days we need to build projects fast and in a fun way so we don’t get bored and quit (talking from experience), so the best way is using Frameworks and I happen to have a course on the best Framework for PHP “Laravel”. This course is a priority for any PHP developer wishing to take their careers or projects to the next level.