Have you asked yourself, what the heck happened to my life? ?Between work, friends, love, study, hobbies, health issues, kids, problems, jobs, money, our schedule is crazy busy.
Life was simple when we were babies, right? Everything was given to us, all we had to do was cry and they fed us, changed our diapers or they made funny jokes to make us laugh.
Now we cry and we don’t get anything at all, of course, this is hypothetically?speaking, I’m a man and I don’t cry
What I mean is, life can sometimes be hard in many ways, but it doesn’t have to be like this.
Sometimes I feel that the more we have, the less we have. For example …
- The more candy we eat, the unhealthier?we are.
- The more love we got, the less we need it and take it for granted.
- The more money we have, the less real friends we have.
- The more work we have, the less time we have for family.
Now, it’s really the way we see things, right? Because we could really switch and say
The more candy I eat the stronger I get, (I wish this was true)
The more love I get, the more I will give.
The more money I have, the more I will give.
The more work I have, the more I will have for my family.
So in reality, is how we see our lives that really matter. The way we think about ourselves, our surroundings and just things that happen to us.
If you feel overwhelmed with things, just prioritize?what is important, breathe and live your life. Don’t get pulled into the world of “I don’t have time” and start doing what you want to do now.
Edwin Diaz
7 comments On What the heck happened to my life?
You CHANGED my life Edwin. I’m really honored to watch your increible courses. Can you tell me where are you from? Do you live in the US? I swear you’re genius. Please, PLEASE, plz. DON’T STOP MAKING COURSES.
The honor is all mine, thank you for this nice comment, it makes my day
life is complicated yet simple…..
“Happiness is like a glass. its all around you but you may not see it. if you look at it a different way then it shines brighter than this world.” Code Geass..
Well said
I agree. The key to happiness lay in simple things
Yes you’re right, life is actually simple, but we often make it more complicated ourself.