ME, ME and ME

Gosh, why do we always think about ourselves so much?

  • If I could do that
  • Why didn’t I do that
  • I look so good
  • I look so bad
  • I work so hard
  • I study so hard
  • I want money
  • I want women or men
  • I want cars
  • I and I and more I’s

If we keep thinking so much about ourselves we would never be truly happy. The best thing in life is to live a life of humility and total selflessness. 

If you stop to think about others sometimes, you might really start to enjoy your life. Life is not about how much you can take, it’s about how much you can give.

Go out there and give and you will see your life change in wonderful ways!

About the Author: Edwin Diaz Edwin Diaz is an engineer, programmer, web developer, instructor, and entrepreneur. His hobbies include traveling, biking, rollerblading, swimming, hiking, and writing. Personal Note: I have a strong belief in a higher power and strive to give without expecting anything in return. Helping others is my passion, and I aim to make a positive impact on the world by doing everything I can to assist everyone I meet.

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